
February 2024 month notes


Cool thing of the month is pgmem which is a NodeJS in-memory database with a Postgres compatible API. It makes it easy to create very complete integration or unit tests covering both statement testing and object definitions. So far everything that has worked with pgmem has been flawless in both Docker-ised Postgres instances and CloudSQL Postgres.

The library readme says that containers for testing are overkill and it has delivered on that claim for me. Highly recommended.

Less good has been adventures in CloudSQL’s IAM world. A set of overlapping work requirements means that the conventional practices of using roles and superuser permissions is effectively impossible so I’ve been diving deeper than I’ve ever expected to go into the world of Postgres’s permission model.

My least favourite discovery this month has been that it is possible to successfully grant a set of permissions to a set of users that generates no errors (admittedly via a Terraform module; I need to check whether the Postgres directly complains about this) but also gets denied by the permission system.

The heart of the problem seems to be that the owner of the database objects defines the superset of permissions that can be accessed by other users but that you can happily grant other users permissions outside of that superset without error except when you try to use that permission.

The error thrown was reported on a table providing a foreign key constraint so there were more than a few hours spent wondering why the user could read the other table but then get permission denied on it. The answer seemingly being that the insert into the child table triggers the permission violation but that the validation of the constraint in the constraining table triggers the permission system.

I’m not sure any of this knowledge will ever be useful again because this setup is so atypical. I might try and write a DevTo article to provide something for a future me to Google but I’m not quite sure how to phrase it to match the query.

Eager initialisation

I learnt something very strange about the Javascript test data generation FakerJS this month but it just a specific example of libraries that don’t make an effort to lazy load their functionality. I’ve come across this issue in Python where it affected start times in on-demand code, Java where the assumption that initialisation is a one-time cost meant that multiple deployments a day meant the price was never amortised and now I’ve encountered it in Javascript.

My takeaways are that it is important to [set aggressive timeouts](–test-timeout) on your testing suite rather than take the default of no timeouts.. This only surfaced because some fairly trivial tests using the Faker data couldn’t run in under a second which seemed very odd behaviour.

Setting timeouts also helps surface broken asynchronous testing and makes it less tedious to wait for the test suite to fail or hang.


January 2024 month notes

Water CSS

I started giving this minimal element template a go after years of using various versions of Bootstrap. It is substantially lighter in terms of the components it offers with probably the navigation bar being the one component that I definitely miss. The basic forms and typography are proving fine for prototyping basic applications though.

Node test runner

Node now has a default test runner and testing framework. I’ve been eager to give it a go as I’ve heard that it is both fast and lightweight, avoiding the need to select and include libraries for testing, mocking and assertions. I got the chance to introduce it in a project that didn’t have any tests and I thought it was pretty good although it’s default text output felt a little unusual and the alternative dot notation might be a bit more familiar.

It’s interesting to see that the basic unit of testing is the assertion, something is shares with Go. It also doesn’t support parameterised tests which again is like Go which has a pattern of table-driven tests implemented with for loops except that Go allows more control of the dynamic test case naming.

I’d previously moved to the Ava library and I’m not sure there is a good reason not to use the built-in alternative.

Flask blueprints

In my personal projects I’ve tended to use quite a few cut and paste modules and over the years they tend to drift and get out of sync so I’ve been making a conscious effort to learn about and start adopting Flask Blueprints. Ultimately I want to try and turn these into personal module dependencies that I can update once and use in all the projects. For the moment though it is interesting how the blueprints format is pushing me to do some things like logging better (to understand what is happening in the blueprint) and also structuring the different areas of the application so that they are quite close to Django apps with various pieces of functionality now starting to be associated with a url prefix that makes it a bit easier to create middleware that is registered as part of the Blueprint rather than relying on imports and decorators.

Web components

I’ve been making a bit of progress with learning about web components. I realised that I was trying to do too much initially which is why they were proving complicated. Breaking things down a bit has helped with an initial focus on event listeners within the component. I’m also not bringing in external libraries at the moment but have got as far as breaking things up into [ESM modules]( which has mostly worked out so far.


Halfstack on the Shore(ditch) 2023

Self-describing as an “anti-conference” or the conference that you get when you take all the annoying things about conferences away. It is probably one of the most enjoyable conferences I attend on a regular basis. This year is was in a new venue quite close to the previous base at Cafe 1001 which was probably one of my favourite locations for a conference.

The new venue is a small music venue and the iron pillars that fill the room were awkward for sightlines until I grabbed a seat at the front. The bar opened at midday and was entirely reasonable but the food was not as easily available as previously available but you were still able to walk to the nearby cafe and show your conference badge if you wanted.

Practical learnings

Normally I would say that HalfStack is about the crazy emergent stuff so I was surprised to actually learn a few things that are relevant to the day job (admittedly I have been doing a lot more backend Javascript than I was previously). I was quite intrigued to see some real-world stats that the Node’s in-built test runner is massively faster than Jest (which maybe should not be so surprising as it does some crazy things). I’ve been using [Bun]() recently which does have a faster runner and it makes TDD a lot more fun that with the normal Jest test runner.

I also learnt that NODE_ENV is used by library code to conditionally switch on paths in their code. This is obviously not a sound practice but the practical advice was to drop variables that map to environments completely and instead set parameters individually as per standard 12 factor app practice. I think you can refine that with things like dotenv but I’m basically in agreement. Two days later I saw a bunch of environment-based conditional code in my own workplace source code.

It was also interesting to see how people are tackling their dependency testing. It felt like the message is that your web framework should come with mocks or stubs for testing routing and requests as standard and that if it doesn’t then maybe you should change your framework. That feels a bit bold but that’s only because Javascript is notorious for having anaemic frameworks that offer choice but instead deliver complexity and non-trivial decisions. On reflection it seems like having a built-in unit testing strategy for your web framework seems like a must-have feature.

Crazy stuff

There was definitely less crazy stuff than in previous years. A working point of sale system including till management based on browser APIs was all quite practical and quite a good example of why you might want USB and serial port access within the browser.

There was also a good talk about converting ActionScript/Flash to Javascript and running emulation of old web games although that ultimately turned out to be a way of making a living as commercial games companies wanted to convert their historic libraries into something that people could continue to use rather than being locked away in a obsolete technology.

The impact of AI

One of the speakers talked about using ChatGPT for designing pitches (the generated art included some interesting interpretations our how cat claws work and how many claws they have) and I realised listening to it that for some younger people the distilled advice and recommendations that the model has been fed is exactly the kind of mentoring that they have desired. From a negative perspective this means an endless supply of non-critical ideas and suggestions that require little effort on the user’s part; just another way to avoid having to do some of the hard work of deliberative practice. On the positive side a wealth of knowledge that is now available to the young in minutes.

While I might find the LLMs trite, for people starting their careers the advice offered is probably more sound that their own instincts. There also seems to be some evidence appearing that LLMs can put a floor under poor performance by correctly picking up common mistakes and errors. At a basic level they are much better at spelling and grammar than non-native speakers for example. I don’t think they have been around long enough to have reliable information though and we need to decide what basic performance of tasks looks like.

I wonder what the impact will be on future conference talks as ChatGPT refines people to a common set of ideas, aesthetics and structures. Probably it will feel very samey and there will be a desire to have more quirky individual ideas. It feels like a classic pendulum swing.

Big tech, big failings

Christian Heilmann’s talk was coruscating about the failures of big tech during the acute phase of the COVID pandemic and more generally about being unable to tackle the big problems facing humanity and instead preferring to focus on fighting for the attention economy and hockey stick growth that isn’t sustained. He also talked about trying to persuade people that they don’t have to work at FAANGS to be valid people in technology.

His notes for this talk are on his blog.

Final thoughts

Chat GPT might need me to title this section as a conclusion to avoid it recommending that I add a conclusion. HalfStack this year is happening at a strange time for programming and the industry. There wasn’t much discussion of some topics that would have been interesting around the NodeJS ecosystem such as alternative runtimes and the role of companies, consultancy and investment money in the evolution of that ecosystem. The impact of a changed economic environment was clear and in some cases searing but it was a helpful reminder that it is possible to find your niche and make a living from it. You don’t necessarily need to hustle and try and make it big unless that is what you really want to do.

The relaxed anti-conference vibe felt like a welcome break from the churn, chaos and hamster wheel turning that 2023 has felt like. I’ve already picked up my tickets for next year.



November 2023 month notes

The end of November marks the start of the Christmas corporate social hospitality season. It is easy to be cynical but it is nice to catch up with people and find out what has been happening with them.


We started using Bun at work for a project, more as a CLI build tool than a framework and runtime. It seems reasonably effective and has quite a few of the features that were interesting in Deno. Deno has a bit more ambition and thought in its overall project whereas Bun seems much for focused on trying to get itself embedded on projects. It reminds me quite a lot of Yarn and I think we may want to move to something more open in the future.

In the meantime though I have to admit that having a fast test runner is a joy compared to Jest. I attended Halfstack London this month and one of the talks there gave an illustration of how very slow Jest is and made the recommendation to use Node’s native runner which is an interesting alternative that I might try for my own projects.


I’ve been doing the Exercism 12 in 23 challenge (the standard “work with twelve languages in a year” but using Exercism’s problems as a proof of progress). It has thrown up a few interesting things already. I was surprised at how much I liked working with Raku (Perl was one of the first languages I learnt) and I should probably write up something about it. This month was assembly however and unlike most of the other languages this was an area I’ve never really ventured into. My first language was BASIC and I might have POKE’d and PEEK’d but I’ve never written any assembler.

I chose to tackle WebAssembly which seemed like it might have some work advantages if I knew more about it. WebAssembly comes with a representative form called WAT that is made up of s-expressions which looks quite elegant (especially if you are a LISP fan). However trying to write raw assembler felt too challenging so instead I choose to try AssemblyScript instead which is a Typescript style language which compiles to WASM and WAT. It also allows you to write tests in Javascript which import from the compiled output which is quite neat (I much prefer writing tests in dynamic rather than static languages).

It made doing the number-based exercises relatively straight-forward. For a few of the problems I did some hand tweaking of things like parameter calling and while AssemblyScript uses native Math for things like square roots I ended up manually creating a sequence to calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle to avoid library calls which seemed tricky to match between the two execution environments.

While doing this I did start to develop a sense of how assembly and the stack works but I feel I could probably do with a bit more of a structured introduction than trying to solve quite high-level problems with low-level tools. Overall I found it a good stretching exercise.

MDN’s documentation for Web Assembly is excellent and I probably learnt most about the way assembler works by messing around with their executable examples. Not only is this a great documentation format but I don’t think I would have completed the exercises without the explanations in the documentation.

Dependabot bundling

The thing that changed my work life this month was grouping dependencies. Javascript projects tend to have a lot of dependencies and often in the build step changes in these dependencies are pretty meaningless (type files or compilation edge-cases) but of equal effort to apply as security updates.

You can group dependency updates by expressions but more usefully you can group development dependencies (where supported by the dependency configuration) into a single update. Generally if you have a test suite and the build passes you can apply these altogether and have the effort of a single release for multiple changes.

There’s sometimes an argument that grouping too many changes together means that one breaking change blocks all the changes. So far I haven’t seen that in practice because the volume of small changes in Javascript is high but the change impact is very low.

The grouped PR is also sensibly automatically managed, with the group being added to as needed. Security updates are always broken out into their own PR so it is much easier to see priorities when looking at the PR list.


Keeping NPM local

I’m pretty sure that at one point NPM might not have required sudo privileges to do things but by default it now seems that people are sudo installing all over the place. It’s the equivalent of just clicking “yes” on every Windows permission dialog.

There is no particularly good reason to use sudo with a package manager. Virtualenv is tres local by default and even gem (via rbenv and rvm) can now run happily in the user space. Even if you want to share package downloads to minimise network calls then you still don’t need to install everything globally as root.

NPM is special in almost every sense of the word and it’s author recommends that you switch permissions on /usr/local to be owned by your login user. That seems kind of crazy and the kind of thing that probably would only work out for OSX users.

In fact if you are willing to build your own NodeJS it really isn’t hard to bet Node and NPM working locally and still retaining all the advantages of the “global” NPM install. Just use the standard build option of –prefix to set Node to use your home directory and just add $HOME/bin to your PATH in .bashrc or the equivalent.

Then you should be able to use npm without ever having to sudo.

My view though is that you shouldn’t have to force everything into the user space just to make sure a package manager doesn’t need sudo privileges. It would be better for everyone if NPM used a directory in home for each user since it seems to be aimed at single-user installs anyway there is not a massive saving by having packages installed in /usr/local. For the few use-cases where that would be useful then it should be an override option.
